Friday, October 17, 2014

Hello, it's been a while!

Quite a few things have happened since the start of this project, the major one being that I've graduated with my B.A.A.S. in Digital Gaming and Simulation. I am also now a high school teacher trying to spread the video game industry goodness into the youth of our generation.

I think it's working.

In the process, I've decided to try and give new life to this project. Life without college is a huge change for me and the people previously featured here are (obviously) older, wiser, and most likely more successful than they were when their bags were first featured. 

This blog will be updated over the course of the next few weeks or so as I revamp its look (and keep myself from using the default templates any longer than I need to. Yuck.)

To kick off with the new life of this project, I've decided to update my bag. Cheers!

Psst! See my previous bag here.

Who are you?
Eleanor Tayam, high school teacher.

What's in your bag?
Asus X550L, work keys, Microsoft Mouse (Red), Cord/Chargers for cellphone and iPad, Forever XXI owl shaped lip balm, an extra hair tie, Hand Sanitizer, 1TB Western Digital external HDD, #20 dyed nylon cord for rosary making and choking my enemies who try to kill me, emergency poncho & quarters for bus commute, Hall Defense Vitamin C drops, my cell phone, and 2 books: HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites, Read This If You Want to Take Great Photographs. Not pictured: purse & related items, (work) iPad Air, laptop charger, my coffee, and the bag,which is a Solo Pro Laptop Backpack for 15.6" Laptops.

Why rosaries?
because I'm Catholic.

Favorite Game of All Time?
anything by Naughty Dog Inc.

What made you want to study game design?
The application of technology. I was never really big on sitting myself down and doing just one thing for the rest of my life. Technology really was freedom for my creativity. 
My dad first bought me our family the first generation Playstation and I don't know, it just kind of hit me that I wanted to design video games. I love reading, I love doing crafts, and I have a huge imagination so all that mixed in with my brain only wanting to learn kinesthetically (by moving, touching, muscle memory, etc.) it just seemed natural to me to design things that were made for interaction.

Who, or what, is your biggest inspiration?
Books. Reading. Literature is a timeless form of entertainment and where a lot of people develop their "inner eye" for imagination.
Oh, and my students. They're a huge motivator.

Guilty Pleasure Game of the moment?
.....League of Legends :D

What have you done lately that is worth remembering?
I successfully used the bus to commute to and from work!

Any last words?
May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.