Monday, May 7, 2012

Luis Sandoval - Reynosa, Tamaulipas, MX

 Who are you?

- I am Luis Sandoval in the real world, a student @ Houston Community College in the Digital Gaming and Simulation program trying to get my AAS, however, in the online realm I am known as xSageOnex. XBL, PSN, Steam and anywhere else that is usually my handle. If you've ever played a Halo game, or COD, Battlefield, and more recently Ghost Recon, chances are you've been killed by me XD

What's in your bag?

- Contents in bag
Some semesters you will see me carrying a TON of stuff, I’m usually carrying art books, text books, sketchbooks, and notebooks, pens, pencils and all that crazy stuff. This one has been a breeze and I don’t have as many classes to take so this is how my bag is currently looking.
A. The most important thing to me right now, or ever since started attending classes @ HCC, my portable hard drive, containing everything I've ever worked on-finished or not- Never leave home without it.
B. a pair of rinky dinky headphones, what can I say, at least they recreate sound. A must for working on my Audio class assignments.
C. A sammich, yep, I’m usually at campus 10+ hours a day and being on the usual student budget. I can't afford to go eat out every day. I make sure to catch breakfast before I head to school and I usually take along a couple of sammiches to keep me going throughout the day. That and a healthy dose of cigarettes to curb those cravings. Yep, healthy. At least they're low in calories.

Favorite game(s) of all time?

- When Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy,  Yuji Horii, the creator of Dragon Quest, Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, come together and weave their magic...the result is Chrono Trigger, for the SNES. I have the best memories of that time but that game took the cake, it had multiple endings and choices that bring BioWare games to shame, and this was more than 15 years ago.
Recently though I have to pick the Uncharted series and Mass Effect series as my favorites as well.

What are you playing right now?

- Ghost Recon Future Soldier, just finished Mass Effect 3...regardless what all the internet whiners think...awesome ending to that trilogy. Wouldn't have had it any other way.

Who, or what, is your biggest inspiration?

- Inspiration comes from the video games and the developers alike. Shigeru Miyamoto, bringing us games that continue to define Nintendo to this day. Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid, need I say more? Also brought us the vastly underrated and almost forgotten Zone of the Enders series. To games like Uncharted, Shadow of the Colossus, Mass Effect. Everything I play at some point or another has inspired me to chase after my dream and make some games.

What made you want to study game design?

- I've always had a passion for art. I've always loved video games. Combine those two and it’s only natural for me to go down this route. I figured why limit myself to only playing games when I can make them.

Favorite piece of video game memorabilia (t-shirts, props, etc) that you may or may not own?

- That I own. Uncharted 3 collector’s edition, comes with belt buckle, Sir Francis Drake's ring necklace. Nathan Drake action figure.

Also these nice Pacman plushies. I have Pacman, Pinky, and a scared ghost. You can see how large they are when you compare the size of my hand to them.

That I do NOT own but wish I had..see this link----> here 

Guilty pleasure of the moment?

- Love listening to Taylor Swift when I'm in the car or at home alone. I can’t help it she has a very nice voice, and her music is catchy and cheery, lol. Screw the people who say she can’t sing or she isn’t "country" pffft!

Any last words?

- Blargh?

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